Wednesday, January 4

27 Ways to Get More Comments on Your #FanPage via @VickensMoscova #SMM #SocialMedia #Marketing #Branding

“If you were a booger, I’d pick you first.”

We’ve all struck out with a cheesy pick up line. Breaking the ice can be tough.

Learn how to master it and turn your neglected Fan Page  into a relationship marketing poster-child with these 27 sure-fire updates…

Building a business to customer relationship is vital to the success of your Fan Page.  Your approach to engagement should be genuine, transparent but most importantly – simple.

Give your fans the tools to be the talkers and all you’ll have to do is respond to get the conversation started. The easiest way to break the ice is by asking  short questions with a closed-response (avoid essay prompts). Combine these with valuable multimedia content and prepare for engagement lift-off.

1. Yes or No: You engage your online community. No you say? Try asking a simple yes or no question. Getting a yes or no response is just as good as getting a 7 paragraph response. They are both opportunities for you to engage with your community and get feedback.

Try these on your fan page:

  • Yes or no, are you looking forward to the weekend?
  • Yes or no, are you following the presidential race?
  • Yes or no, are we sharing the right kind of content with you?
  • Yes or no, have you been to our store before?
  • Yes or no, do you have your own website?


2. Get greedy – if you want something, well darn it, ask for it!

Give these a go on your page:

  • Click “Like” if you wish you were reading right now
  • “Like” this if you read the morning Newspaper
  • Click “Like” if remember your sweet 16
  • Click “Like” if you are looking for [insert niche] consulting help
  • “Like” this if you’ve checked out our new products


3. Play trivia with your fans. Respond to comments and you will be shocked at what you find out about them. Make ‘em dig for answers. Think up questions not even your employees could answer and make the answers available somewhere on the Fan Page or website to drive traffic.

Try to customize trivia for your page topic. Here are some which should work on any page:

  • How well do you know us? What year did we start doing business?
  • TRIVIA: How many fortune 500 companies have we worked with?
  • How much time do you think it took us to build our fan page?


4.  Fill in the blank updates always blows insights off the charts. Add these to your arsenal to become armed with every Fan’s unique opinion.

  • If I could be anywhere right now, I would go to ________
  • I enjoy [company name] because _________
  • I need ________ cups of coffee to function in the morning
  • My favorite song is _________ by _________
  • Our company has _______ employees


5.  Pictures are worth 1,000 words. And Facebook  interactions. Photos are the most “Liked” content on Facebook. Don’t be bland and expose your brand.

  • Combine a photo with a brief question to get likes and comments for status update synergy.
  • Have a weekly photo contest to get user submissions
  • Photos much larger in the News Feed than they used to be. Steal some News Feed real estate!
6.  Anyone else hate multiple choice tests? With Facebook Questions, every answer is right! 100% Guaranteed A+ engagement..
  • Empower Fans by allowing users to add their own options
  • Answer with your Personal Profile account to expand the reach!
  • Ask questions about products, updates and recommendations to gauge user sentiment.
7.  Links are the most shared content on Facebook.  Once you become virtual buddies with your Fans – start catering to their wants and needs. Listen. Pull in blog posts and articles that provide great value to those loyal “Likers”
  • Use Twitter and Google Blogs to dig for resources relevant to your industry. Prove to your Fans you are human by catering to their wants.
8.  Have fun and relax!  Who doesn’t “Like” something that puts a smile on their face or makes them laugh? No one on my “Close Friends” list.

You may find that some of these updates are just small talk. They are. That’s how you start every relationship though (even in the non-virtual world), with a cheesy pick up line that sparks the conversation.

As an admin, you get to guide that conversation, so all you really need is a launching pad!

The underlying theme is to just get people talking and facilitate conversation via your open-ended responses. Respond to every comment and ask questions to find out more about your Fans.

The most important element of engagement is the human factor. Don’t be afraid to add your own flavor to spice up your content a little more!

Stay positive, be honest and the rest will come naturally.

Your turn

What kind of updates work best for getting engagement?  Let us know in a comment below.

Posted via email from Relaxed and Calm Me